Thursday, May 26, 2011


When I was a child I love to watch parade and procession. For me before parade and procession is just the same. Both has music, drum & lyre and a bunch of people. Its so colorful, and the giveaways ; candies, chocolates wow, what a culture and tradition of Filipino. A couple of months I joined a procession for the celebration of our Lady of Lourdes. I'm hesitant to join but when an old lady gave me a candle for free I force myself to join them. A stranger old lady lighted my candle, and everyone share the light and pass it on. And the procession moved, the wind blows and the candle that I have was unlighted. So I have to light it again but I have no matches with me, I pause for awhile, thinking how to produce light, I look around its like I'm the only one who has unlighted candle. Beside me is a neighbor whose candle was lighted. So even a little bit shy because she's stranger to me I just humbly approached her "can I share the light with you ?" After my candle was lighted, her candle was unlighted also. That moment God spoke to me saying; "Look at those candle like you the light is the Spirit of God in us. Because of sin our candle was unlighted. We can't resolve it alone we need someone who will help us to lit it on. And when we are lighted we should pass the light, don't keep it on yourself. Every now and then temptation will tempt you to sin. You should humbly confess it not only to be clean, but to bless others. As I look at the candle, as it gives light, its life became shorter. What a lovely flame. From a little knot wrapped by the wax and voila the yellow, bluish, reddish flame appear. but when it die two colors appear, first the white smoke and second the black knots. but once you lit it again; The colorful flame started to dance and gives light to darkness.

In our life darkness came but it doesn't mean that you'll stay on that situation forever. As the darkness is gone you have your full life that pass the process. The hard wax that melted is ready to mold again and renew its form. It combined with other melted wax to form a new colorful candle. Candle taught us that we came from different families, different talents, different views, but we need each other to make this life a colorful and a light free world. We need each others strength to light us when we feel weak and down. To God be the glory ! :)

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