Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Adventurous? Life is full of surprises. Even if you plan your life as what you want, there's a path that lead you to crossroads. This crossroads lead me to experience things I never wish nor planned in my life but here it is. Face the reality. I'm lost, I don't know what path to take. I'm tired, I want to quit. Out of nowhere there's a strong force guiding me to a place I'm not familiar with. During this times of turmoil, time of trying times. I ask myself "what keeps me on serving ?", "It is for my own?" As I examine it leads me to a deep purpose. Now I remember that once in my life I test His power and made a vow, a promise, a covenant between me and Him. Nobody knows, but how could I keep my promise? To proclaim His love. But how could I proclaim? Through the creation He made. Human, an imperfect human, doubts, fears engraved. A promise should not be broken especially if it made by the unseen Powerful Creator of All. Struggles, hindrances a test of fire make the black stone, glitter into gold.





This Christmas a friend of mine invited me to have carol. I think first, because as I remember,I was only six year-old then and that is the first and the last carol that I have. But now in my adult life better than buying candies is a more complicated need. December 23 we started 9:30 P.M. at first we serenade one house till four songs, but nobody came out, we said "nice try its our practice" Second house "return tomorrow" Third house "please forgive" "you have forgiven" silent murmur.

We passed by small and big houses, most houses have dogs, but this gentleman in front of their home is a big dog barking at us but still we continue singing not paying attention to the barking dog. A handsome gentleman came out "great I thought you'll be afraid of my dog" And he gave us a fifty peso bill. Our motto that night "Its a game of number, we have to serenade all the houses that we see big or small." It was an exciting Christmas we carol even the woman who washed clothes in front of their house. Wow!, for her what a beautiful woman and a privilege to sing in front of her. She's like a queen that night. We also serenade a woman doing pedicure. All smile they love singing in front of them, we passed by party people, request songs but hey, we're not a professional singer. We just sing from our heart, our only asset is our fighting spirit saying "we can make it"

As we continue we passed by at the remote areas to that small nipa hut as we sing I remember Joseph and Mary when they're looking for a place at Betlehem, but nobody took them in, till they find a place for camel, but the manger was born in that humble but peaceful and carefree world. As we carol Mang Titoy silently sit, not expecting to give any penny we just enjoy what we're doing. Two of our colleague dance and we do the chorus, and at the end Mang Titoy gave us a one hundred peso bill, for us it was the highest amount that we received. "Its not how big the house is ,its how big the heart is."