Friday, April 22, 2016


1.Learn to live in a real world.
Your Facebook,twitter,IG,tumbler,name it is not your real world as you could see even photos mostly are edited.With so many apps today so make it a point to get out of the cyber world and interact with the real world and people in a real way.

2.Don't take it personally.
If your friends didn't hit the like button and other emoticons it doesn't mean that they don't like you personally,it's just they have important things to do rather than clicking those like buttons. Likes, is not your real status. Guard your mind and heart.

3.Take control.
Social media was created by man to its own advantage; to connect with friends instantly and to post your advertisement for free. But it has also its disadvantages. As a human being with brain you must know how to control it, rather than social media controlling you.

4.Take a break.
Silence and peace is important. You can't filter all the news feeds  that will come out and it add noise,so take a moment to pause,sign out and inhale fresh air. Celebrate your life away from it.