Monday, May 6, 2013


  Chess is the game of the general while Cashflow 101 is the millionaire's game.These games are both board games, and hmm they both start with letter C which means after you learn the games you will be a "conqueror and a champion.
     I'm very grateful that I've experienced how to play the games even though I didn't master it yet I feel bless because it open my mind to great opportunities and apply what I've learned in this game.
     Cashflow 101 game is like studying an Elementary Algebra. Wherein you'll get bored if it's just a number. But when the teacher uses activities related to subject like  games, puzzles, music and other practical method and  medium of teaching pupils have fun and at the same time they will learn easily.
     I admit financially I'm just in an elementary level, if I wasn't able to discover and learned from some friends and mentor I will be financially illiterate forever. But thanks God  He direct my path and lead me to right connections, friends and mentors.
     Thank you to our game master, host and Banker Bro. Maynard Francisco who generously and patiently guide us how to play the game. As we play I learned that to be successful you must have a team. Like the team of Mr. Risk Taker and Don Facundo there are times that Mr. Risk Taker have his chillax moments but since he has an industrious partner who continue to work even Mr. Risk Taker is not around their  money continue to grow. I love the aggressiveness of Mr. Risk Taker even though they have downsized times they are not totally broke instead they sold their stocks gained money and have bank loans. In that way they can still buy assets and stocks wherein they sold it to the market for a higher priced or double than when they bought it. In real life I know some businessman who are not afraid to have loans and bigger debts for there business and their business grow. Lesson used loans to grow your business and invest in profitable assets like real estate because its value grow higher.
     Teamwork works, because before they have to decide they have to talked first on what will be the best way to earn and grow their money to buy the stocks or to sold it."Two heads are better than one" in real life it works too that's why businesses grow because they have great teams and they know the law of leverage wherein they taught what they know to others and even though they are not there they earn profit out of it.
     I learned from the "Merchant Team" the right time to invest and sold it for the right priced and right term.
     "The Analyst Team" taught me how to pay for my debts so my cash flow will grow.They are very keen on balance sheet that's why they love to clear the debts.
     There are many lessons learned  in this game that life is unfair what if the profession that you picked have a meager income like a janitor or a teacher? Your actions are very limited in this game because you have to wait for others to move before you make your own move. In real life life you can move freely without waiting for others to moved you have to initiate the actions and build empire.:)

     Congrats to The Merchant Team you are on The Fast Track Cheers!
     Congrats to all we are on our way to financial abundance.

CAUTION: You will become a Cashflow 101 game addict.
DOSE: Remember it is Just a Game! Hand in Hand let us apply what we have learned in real life.