Tuesday, April 3, 2012


     Palm Sunday,  a feast of welcoming Jesus not only inside the temple but most especially in our lives.
     Its a Sabbath day so its my day to reflect, keep silent and hear God's voice. I started praying when a father and child arrive. The father didn't care about the child. He didn't held the hands of his child. For the thought that this child is just four years of age. She might get lost because of humongous crowd that day was. The father silently pray and the child roar with cough. And when its time to leave, the father get out with out noticing if his daughter is with him. I was touch when the little voice beg and shout "Father!", one word but it means a lot. For   the little child it means "father please wait, don't leave me." That's the only time the father held her hands. The father and child was no longer at my sight but it leaves an impact.
     When we pray God knows what we want, but we have to ask, we have to humble our-self because we know that with out God's will we couldn't make it.Yes He gave us free will, but asking, telling that we still need Him in our life. Because without Him we are nothing. May this Lenten Season leaves impact to our life  not only for this season but in every moment of our life. :) :) :)