Modern world dictates how you behave. Right or wrong ?
It's your choice! To overcome the great controller and dictator of modern world you must know the real you if not, confusion of who you really are will eat you.
People around you will dictates how you behave.

As your world become bigger and bigger confusion grew bigger too.
People around you notice your being different to others. Physically you are a normal human being.
But your behavior and the way you think is different from others.
Other people laugh at you because of your crazy thoughts and ideas. They couldn't understand your deepest thoughts and ideology. Because you think differently from them, they judge you as insane, crazy,lunatic and so on and so forth. The additional judgement aside from people around you is the influence of social media. If before TV and print ads influence people what to buy and act now social media influence most of your thoughts.
Tired of being different? Instead of comparing yourself to others celebrate your uniqueness. If others don't like you forgive them because you are born not an ordinary but an extra ordinary creature. Use that uniqueness to bless the world. You can't please everybody so please stop pleasing everybody. As long as you don't harm others then keep going and bless the world. If others couldn't understand you, try to understand them. If you understand their behavior you have a great emotional and mental quotient. Celebrate life even in the eyes of others your an alien.Always remember you are a child of God .
So the next time others will bully you because of your differences smile because your one in a million. Your unique, beautiful, talented and awesome child of God.