Lenten season is a moment of reflection. I asked lot of questions nobody dare to answer till I searched for an answer stop quit and renew.
Last month a group of sister friends had our household in a fish spa. Sis Let our Household Head organize the said events. It is very homy and a very comfortable place.On a later part its the day should I say retreat of our feet:)
Since its a full day of field work it helps me a lot to relax and pamper not only my feet but my whole being.
Those little tiny fishes tickle my feet and according to our generous sponsor they came from foreign land which mean they are international tiny little fishes who went here in the Philippines only to serve and pamper our feet. Much to talk about but during the process it reminds me of Jesus Washing of feet to His beloved disciples. Jesus love and care much to His disciples He do it personally. Well being generous he can prepare the basin with water and let them wash their feet alone. They are on their right age and know what is wrong and right. But Jesus do it not only for the disciples but for us to imitate that He the Son of God humbly serve and clean the feet of his beloved disciples.
"If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. " (John 13:14)
In John's account, what did Jesus suggest that the washing of feet symbolized? He tells Peter that the washing of his feet symbolizes forgiveness of his sin to return him to a "clean" relationship with God. It is only logical to deduce that God expects nothing less from us in response to the sins of our brethren. In the section of the Sermon on the Mount on prayer, Jesus says: "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matthew 6:14-15)
Literally my feet is exposed to dust and dirt especially when I'm on the field doing my job. And as I did my reflection how many times do I wash my feet? Like when my life is expose to temptation how many times I have to repent? But surely God always said clean each other feet like what I did. And I said I'm tired can I quit and hide my feet so dust and dirt will don't stick to it ? And God answer my child you are part of me and being part of me you have to serve others like I did? But Abba Father how can I serve them if I on my own experiencing desert in my life.
“If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water” (John 4:10) and he added My child healthy people don't need a doctor sick people do (Matthew 9:12). " I call you to become fishers of men" I couldn't utter much words to express but tears flow from my eyes that God loves me despite my inadequacy and He gave me chances to renew and repent. That moment I said "Lord I allow you to work in my life here I am a sinner cleans me.

Foot for the Gods by the Cinderella sisters

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