Sunday, September 29, 2013


Bangon Pilipinas!
There are many smart and intelligent people, but please we need to remember that aside from intellectual aspect we have also moral aspect that some leaders of today forgot. There is still time to change for the better. Let's empower the youth not just based on intellect, but nurture their moral aspect. yes we can, start from your home, parents be a great model to your children not just on words but through your actions. Teachers and mentors please motivate them to be a great person in words and in deeds. And to our leaders of today do you want to take the lead? Then start to become a good example not just for fame and riches but with integrity that you are one of the few great leader that will start the fire of great change.

We are not just an ordinary citizen living on this island  but we are one community with common goal and that is to have a great victorious and peaceful nation!

Yes we can! , instead of pulling each others down let us help each other to achieve significant goal that is good not only for your own sake but for the benefit of all mankind.
Always remember all things will passed but the goodwill that you made will leave big impact to the lives of your fellowmen, and will pass even to the next generation.

Yes you are mortal being because you have physical body that will end but also remember you are immortal being with a soul that will live forever. You are infinite being, so if you want to be contagious make sure it is  the good one and not the other way around.

With love and prayer,
I salute you!
Mabuhay Philippines!
Mabuhay Filipinos!
I love Philippines!

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